
Errors can be caught and interrogated by wrapping the operation in a try catch block:

async function createComment(input: LinearDocument.CommentCreateInput): LinearFetch<Comment | UserError> {
  try {
    /** Try to create a comment */
    const commentPayload = await linearClient.createComment(input);
    /** Return it if available */
    return commentPayload.comment;
  } catch (error) {
    /** The error has been parsed by Linear Client */
    throw error;

Or by catching the error thrown from a calling function:

async function archiveFirstIssue(): LinearFetch<ArchivePayload> {
  const me = await linearClient.viewer;
  const issues = await me.assignedIssues();
  const firstIssue = issues.nodes[0];

  if (firstIssue?.id) {
    const payload = await linearClient.archiveIssue(;
    return payload;
  } else {
    return undefined;

archiveFirstIssue().catch(error => {
  throw error;

The parsed error type can be compared to determine the course of action:

import { InvalidInputLinearError, LinearError, LinearErrorType } from '@linear/sdk'
import { UserError } from './custom-errors'

const input = { name: "Happy Team" };
createTeam(input).catch(error => {
  if (error instanceof InvalidInputLinearError) {
    /** If the mutation has failed due to an invalid user input return a custom user error */
    return new UserError(input, error);
  } else {
    /** Otherwise throw the error and handle in the calling function */
    throw error;

Information about the request resulting in the error is attached if available:

run().catch(error => {
  if (error instanceof LinearError) {
    console.error("Failed query:", error.query);
    console.error("With variables:", error.variables);
  throw error;

Information about the response is attached if available:

run().catch(error => {
  if (error instanceof LinearError) {
    console.error("Failed HTTP status:", error.status);
    console.error("Failed response data:",;
  throw error;

Any GraphQL errors are parsed and added to an array:

run().catch(error => {
  if (error instanceof LinearError) {
    error.errors?.map(graphqlError => {
      console.log("Error message", graphqlError.message);
      console.log("LinearErrorType of this GraphQL error", graphqlError.type);
      console.log("Error due to user input", graphqlError.userError);
      console.log("Path through the GraphQL schema", graphqlError.path);
  throw error;

The raw error returned by the LinearGraphQLClient is still available:

run().catch(error => {
  if (error instanceof LinearError) {
    console.log("The original error", error.raw);
  throw error;

Last updated