
Most results that are paginated can also be filtered. This makes it easy to retrieve specific information, like any issues assigned to a particular user, but much more complex queries are also possible. For example, you could fetch all issues associated with a project that is supposed to be completed next week and have not yet been started.

Filtering is currently in Alpha. While we don't anticipate the filtering format to change, it might. Follow our API slack channel to get a heads up on breaking changes.

For example, to return all urgent and high priority issues in the workspace, you can use the following query:

query HighPriorityIssues {
  issues(filter: { 
    priority: { lte: 2 }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title, priority

The above query will also return any issues that haven't been given any priority (their priority is 0). To exclude them, you can add another not equals comparator:

query HighPriorityIssues {
  issues(filter: { 
    priority: { lte: 2, neq: 0 }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title, priority


You can use the following comparators on string, numeric, and date fields:




Equals the given value


Doesn't equal the given value


Value is in the given collection of values


Value is not in the given collection of values

Numeric and date fields additionally have the following comparators:




Less than the given value


Less than or equal to the given value


Greater than then given value


Greater than or equal to the given value

String fields additionally have the following comparators:




Case insensitive eq


Case insensitive neq


Starts with the given value


Doesn't start with the given value


Ends with the given value


Doesn't end with the given value


Contains the given value


Doesn't contain the given value


Case insensitive contains


Case insensitive notContains

Optional values additionally support the null comparator, which can be used to return entities depending on whether the field has a value or not. The following query will return all issues that don't have a description:

query Issues {
  issues(filter: { 
    description: { null: true }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title, description

Logical operators

By default, all fields described in the filter need to be matched. The filter merges all the conditions together using a logical and operator.

For example, The below example will find all urgent issues that are due in the year 2021.

query Issues {
  issues(filter: { 
    priority: { eq: 1 }
    dueDate: { lte: "2021" }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title, priority, dueDate

To change the logical operator, all filters support the or keyword that lets you switch to a logical or operator. For example, to filter for low-priority or un-prioritized issues that need to be completed in the year 2021, you can execute the following query:

query Issues {
  issues(filter: { 
    or: [
      { priority: { eq: 4 } },
      { priority: { eq: 0 } }
    dueDate: { lte: "2021" }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title, priority, dueDate

Filtering by relationship

Data can also be filtered based on their relations. For example, you can filter issues based on the properties of their assignees. To query all issues assigned to a user with a particular email address, you can execute the following query:

query AssignedIssues {
  issues(filter: { 
    assignee: { email: { eq: "" } }
  }) {
    nodes {
      assignee {

Many-to-many relationships can be filtered similarly. The following query will find issues that have the Bug label associated.

query Issues {
  issues(filter: { 
    labels: { name: { eq: "Bug" } }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title

The above query returns all issues that have at least one label that matches the name Bug. To create a query where all labels on an issue are matched to the filter criteria, you can use the every keyword:

query Issues {
  issues(filter: { 
    labels: { every: { name: { eq: "Bug" } } }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title

The above would also filter out issues that have multiple labels, regardless of what they are.

Relative time

All date fields support relative time, defined as ISO 8601 durations relative to the current date. This lets you create a filter that always returns all issues that are due in the next 2 weeks, regardless of when you run it:

query IssuesDue {
  issues(filter: { 
    dueDate: { lt: "P2W" }
  }) {
    nodes {
      id, title


Find all bugs and defects from projects that are lead by any user named "John":

query Projects {
  projects(filter: { 
    lead: { name: { startsWith: "John" } } 
  }) {
    nodes {
      issues(filter: { 
        labels: { name: { in: ["Bug", "Defect"] } } 
      }) {
        nodes {

Find all issues assigned to me that have a comment containing a thumbs-up emoji:

query Issues {
  viewer {
    assignedIssues(filter: { 
      comments: { body: { contains: "👍" } } 
    }) {
      nodes {

Find all issues that have been created by me and have been closed in the past two weeks:

query ClosedIssues {
  viewer {
    createdIssues(filter: { completedAt: { gt: "-P2W" } }) {
      nodes {
        id, title

Find all started issues in ongoing projects that don't have an estimate:

query Issues {
    filter: {
      estimate: { eq: 0 }
      state: { type: { eq: "started" } }
      project: { state: { eq: "started" } }
  ) {
    nodes {
      project {

Last updated